I believe what you are trying to say is that he employs a faux-naive journalistic style. Wake up clown someone needs to clean up the blood from the bathroom it won't clean itself up, stop being such a ****ing child.
Watch Louis Theroux Interviews season 2 beginning on Tuesday, November 7.
And ****ing over the top preachy stuff like theroux going 'OMG how can u clean the bodies of people who have committed suicide.how can u live with yourself u evil person!' or 'OMG so you are a porn actor but you should only have sex when you love the person!?!'. You can watch Louis Theroux Interviews FREE online from anywhere with a VPN. The whole show is worst kind of social porn, trying to sound all serious and caring and concerned about OMG some serious issues when the whole thing is really all about TV watchers peeping on the people who have problems, for entertainment. At the same time he stabs them on their backs, planning his questions and the whole show so that the subjects will sound dumb / evil / laughable / whatever negative to the viewers, especially when the show is cut. He befriends the (maybe stupid or not experienced with TV work, in anycase, easily tricked) subjects to their faces and makes them feel secure and that he is 'on their side'.